
ในแนวทางของท่านซายาจี อูบาขิ่น
Pali Passages Quoted in Day Eight Discourse
Aniccā vata saṅkhārā,
Uppajjitva nirujjhanti,
tesam vupasamo sukho.
--Maha-Parinibbana Suttanta,
Digha Nikaya, 16.
Impermanent truly are compound things,
by nature arising and passing away.
If they arise and are extinguished,
their eradication brings happiness.
Phutthassa loka-dhammehi,
cittam yassa na kampati,
asokam, virajam, khemam,
etam mangalamuttamam
--Maha-Mangala Sutta,
Sutta Nipata, II. 4.
When faced with the vicissitudes of life,
one's mind remains unshaken,
sorrowless, stainless, secure;
this is the greatest welfare.
Katvana katthamudaram iva gabbhiniya
Cincaya dutthavacanam janakaya majjhe,
santena soma vidhina jitava munindo.
Tam tejasa bhavatu te jayamangalani!
--Buddha-Jayamangala Gatha.
Tying a piece of wood over her belly to
make herself look pregnant
Cinca abused [the Buddha] in the midst
of all the people.
By peaceful, gentle means the king of
sages was victorious.
By the power of such virtues may you be
blissfully triumphant!
Atta hi attano natho,
atta hi attano gati.
Tasma sannamay'attanam
assam bhadram va vanijo.
--Dhammapada, XXV. 21 (380).
Sutta Nipata, II. 4.
You are your own master,
you make your own future.
Therefore discipline yourself
as a horse-dealer trains a thoroughbred.