सत्यनारायण गोएंका द्वारा जशी शिकविली जाते

आचार्य गोयन्काजी द्वारा शिकविली जाणारी विपश्यना साधना
विपश्यना साधना
सत्यनारायण गोएंका द्वारा जशी शिकविली जाते
आचार्य गोयन्काजी द्वारा शिकविली जाणारी विपश्यना साधना
Course Formalities
Beginning Hindi Chantings
Ananta punya-mayi, ananta guna-mayi,
Buddha ki nirvāṇa-dhatu,
dharma-dhatu, bodhi-dhatu!
Source of endless merit, of endless benefit [are]
the Buddha's vibrations of nibbāna,
of Dhamma, of enlightenment!
Sisapara jage pratiksana,
hidaya men jage pratiksana,
anga-anga jage pratiksana!
May they arise on the [top of the] head every moment,
in the heart every moment
in every particle of the body every moment!
Ananta punya-mayi, ananta guna-mayi,
Dharma ki nirvāṇa-dhatu,
gyana-dhatu, bodhi-dhatu!
Source of endless merit, of endless benefit [are]
the Dhamma's vibrations of nibbāna,
of wisdom, of enlightenment!
Sisapara jage pratiksana,
hidaya men jage pratiksana,
anga-anga jage pratiksana!
May they arise on the [top of the] head every moment,
in the heart every moment
in every particle of the body every moment!
Ananta punya-mayi, ananta guna-mayi,
Sangha ki nirvāṇa-dhatu,
dharma-dhatu, bodhi-dhatu!
Source of endless merit, of endless benefit [are]
the Sangha's vibrations of nibbāna,
of Dhamma, of enlightenment!
Sisapara jage pratiksana,
hidaya men jage pratiksana,
anga-anga jage pratiksana!
May they arise on the [top of the] head every moment,
in the heart every moment
in every particle of the body every moment!
Closing Pali Chantings
Aniccā vata saṅkhārā
Uppajjitva nirujjhanti,
tesam vupasamo sukho.
Impermanent truly are saṅkhārā,
by nature constantly arising and vanishing.
When they arise and are eradicated,
their cessation brings true happiness.
Aneka-jati samsaram
sandhavissam anibbisam,
gahakarakam gavesanto
Through countless births in the cycle of existence
I have run, in vain
seeking the builder of this house;
and again and again I faced the suffering of new birth.
Gahakaraka! Diľľhosi,
puna geham na kahasi.
Sabba te phasuka bhagga,
gahakutam visankhitam.
Visankhara-gatam cittam,
tanhanam khayamajjhaga.
Oh housebuilder! Now you are seen.
You shall not build a house aagain for me.
All your beams are broken,
the ridgepole is shattered.
The mind has become freed from conditioning;
the end of craving has been reached.
Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā'ti.
Yada pannaya passati,
atha nibbindati dukkhe.
Esa maggo visuddhiya.
"Impermanent are all compounded things."
When one perceives this with insight,
then one turns away from suffering;
this is the path of purification.
Yato yato sammasati
khandanam udayabbayam,
labhati piti-pamojjam.
Amatam tam vijanatam.
Wherever one directs one's attention
within the body, one is aware only of arising and falling.
One experiences ecstasy and bliss;
then one apprehends the Deathless.]
Sabbesu cakkavajesu
yakkha deva ca brahmano,
yam amhehi katam punnam,
sabba sampatti sądhikam.
Sabbe tam anumoditva,
samagga sasane rata,
pamada rahita hontu
arakkhasu visesato.
May the yakkhas, devas and brahmas
of all the universes
rejoice in this wholesome deed performed by us,
which is productive of all happiness.
May they all,
unitedly devoted to the Teaching,
be without negligence,
especially in [giving] protection.
Punna bhagamidam c'annam,
samam dadama karitam.
Anumodantu tam sabbe,
medini thatu sakkhike.
We share [with them] equally the merit
of this and other wholesome deeds.
May they all accept with joy [our sharing of merit],
and may the earth stand witness [to it]!