in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Course Schedule
Center Location: Website | Map
** Unless noted otherwise, course instructions are given in the following language(s): English
Dhamma Sirī, also known as the Southwest Vipassana Meditation Center, means 'Prosperity of Dhamma' in Pali. Established in 1990, the center sits on 20 acres of land near the end of a quiet rural road, 45 minutes from downtown Dallas, Texas. The Center is also less than four hours from Austin, Houston, and Oklahoma City. Dhamma Sirī holds approximately 25 courses annually serving over 2500 students. Instructions and discourses can be provided in over 40 languages.
How to Apply to Attend or Serve a Course
- Access the application form by clicking Apply for the desired course.
- Please carefully read the Introduction to the Technique and Code of Discipline which you will be asked to follow during your course.
- Fully and completely fill out all the sections of application form and submit it.
- An application is required to register for all courses.
- Await notification. All correspondence will be through e-mail if you give an e-mail address in your application.
- Due to the large volume of applications, it may take up to two weeks before receiving notification.
- If your application is accepted you must confirm you will be attending in order to secure your place in the course. You will receive an email requesting you to confirm when it is time.
Southwest Vipassana Meditation Center General Information | General Course Registration Voice Mail and Fax: [1] (972) 346-8020 | Dhamma Service Registration Voice Mail and Fax: [1] (972) 346-8020 |
Children / Teenager's Course Registration Voice Mail and Fax: [1] (972) 692-3244 | Executive Course Registration Voice Mail and Fax: [1] (815) 301-9321 | Long Course Registration Fax: [1] (815) 301-9196 |
We are happy to be holding courses albeit for a reduced number of participants. Although the Center is taking all precautions, there still remains the risk of exposure to COVID-19 while at the Center. If you are at risk of serious illness from Coronavirus, it is advised that you not place yourself at risk by coming to the Center.
Last updated: Dec 19, 2023
Based upon recent experiences of people testing positive with COVID during courses, the center continues testing and masking protocols for the benefit of students, servers and teachers.
Everyone coming to the Center for a course will need to fulfill the following. Read both the summary and details sections below carefully.
- Maintain a high level of safety precautions before course starts
- Negative COVID-19 Antigen/Rapid test results - taken on day of arrival at the Center
- A second Antigen/Rapid test on day 3 after the course starts. Plus bring 2 additional tests as reserves for use if needed
- Masks are required in certain areas of the Center during the course. Any changes to masking protocols will be shared upon arrival
If you are unable to show negative test results, you will not be admitted to the course.
Details of each requisite
1. Maintain a high level of safety precautions before course starts, the intent being to minimize your risk of catching the virus
2. FDA approved COVID-19 Antigen / Rapid self-test taken on day of arrival at the Center. Also acceptable if self-test done in the 24-hour window before arrival.
- Negative test results are required before entering Center facilities
- Take a picture of the self-test negative results and be prepared to present it when you check in
3. Bring three unused COVID-19 Rapid/Antigen tests (FDA approved) with you for self-administering
- One is for use on day 3 after course starts to determine if masking protocols can be relaxed for the rest of the course (but only if everyone tests negative)
- Remaining two will be kept as reserve if further testing is needed during the course
4. Properly fitted masks covering both nose and mouth are to be worn indoors at all times while in the entryways and hallways of all buildings. You may only remove your mask after taking your seat in the meditation hall, in your private residence or pagoda room, while actively eating, and when walking alone outside. Mask guidelines may be relaxed for the course based on Day 3 testing results if ALL participants test negative.
Even if you email your test results in advance, please bring your negative test results with you (electronic copy is fine); you may be asked again upon arrival at the center.
For day trips - Volunteers coming to the center for just the day, even if not staying overnight, still need to follow safety requisites 1, 2 and 4 mentioned above.
We regret the inconveniences this may cause and ask for understanding from those negatively impacted as it is in the interest of everyone's safety. We look forward to a time when these won't be needed any longer.
You can be considered for multiple waitlist courses with the understanding that acceptance to any one of them constitutes a cancellation of all others.
Click the 'Apply' link to complete an application. Link available starting on the "Applications accepted starting" date* for a course, as specified on schedule page. Due to reduced capacity, courses fill up within hours of opening.
* During US Daylight Savings time in winter and spring, courses link will open for application at 6:00 am. When DST ends during spring and summer, courses will open at 7:00 am.
Students are expected at the center between 1 and 5 pm for the registration period and the orientation. The course ends the morning of the last day by 7:00 am.
Attend / Serve | Dates | Course Type | Status | Location | Comments |
Jan 01 - Jan 12 | 10-Day | In Progress | Kaufman | ||
Jan 12 |
Trust Meeting |
Open | Kaufman |
For old students To attend in person, ensure you follow the Testing, Masking and other virus safety requirements for day trips to the meditation center as specified (see top of the course schedule page) |
The online application form encrypts your information before it is sent from your computer to our application server. However, it may not be totally secure even though encryption is used. If you are concerned about the possibility of security risks of your confidential information while it is on the Internet, do not use this form and instead download an application. Print and complete it. Then please send the form to the course organizers. By faxing or posting your application form it may delay the registration process by one to two weeks.
To access the Old Student Regional Site please click A user name and password will be required to access these pages.
Questions may be addressed to Email:
All courses are run solely on a donation basis. All expenses are met by donations from those who, having completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana, wish to give others the same opportunity. Neither the Teacher nor the assistant teachers receive remuneration; they and those who serve the courses volunteer their time. Thus Vipassana is offered free from commercialisation.
Old students are those who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Meditation course with S.N. Goenka or his Assistant Teachers. Old students have the opportunity to provide Dhamma Service at the courses listed.
Bilingual courses are courses which are taught in two languages. All students will hear daily meditation instructions in both languages. The evening discourses will be heard separately.
Meditation courses are held at both center and non-center locations. Meditation centers are dedicated facilities where courses are held regularly throughout the year. Before meditation centers were established in this tradition, all courses were held at temporary sites, such as campgrounds, religious retreat centers, churches and the like. Today, in regions where centers have not yet been established by local students of Vipassana who live in the area, 10 Day meditation courses are held at non-center course sites.
10-day Courses are an introductory course to Vipassana Meditation where the technique is taught step-by-step each day. The courses begin after a 2 - 4 pm registration period and orientation, followed by 10 full days of meditation, and end the morning of the 11th day by 7:30 am.
Old Student Programs are similar to Service Periods where there is time to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects, but have a more full and structured program, an opportunity to meet with assistant teachers, and possibly committee and trust meetings. All Old Students are welcome to participate. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods and in the evening there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.