jak ji vyučoval S. N. Goenka

podle tradice Sayagyi U Ba Khina
Welcome to the website for Old Students
A Message From Goenkaji
Dear Travelers on the Path of Dhamma,
Be happy! Keep the torch of Dhamma alight! Let it shine brightly in your daily life. Always remember, Dhamma is not an escape. It is an art of living: living in peace and harmony with oneself and also with all others. Hence, try to live a Dhamma life.
May your Dhamma behavior show them the path of peace and harmony. May the glow of Dhamma on your faces attract more and more suffering people to this path of real happiness.
May all beings be happy, peaceful, liberated.
With all my metta,
S.N. Goenka
Pokyny pro staré studenty
Pomoc Dhammě
- Několik slov pana Goenky o hodnotě Dhamma služby
- Pomoc Dhammě
- The Purpose of Dhamma Service
- Pravidla chování pro pomocníky Dhammy
- Question and Answer on Dhamma service
- A Message From Goenkaji
- Donating to Centres or Courses
- International Projects
- Donations in Your Will: Charitable Bequests